Our Team
At Kids Fight Climate Change, we know that to achieve climate justice, youth need to take the reins. That's why we carefully blend a youth leadership team with experienced board members. Meet our team of leaders working to build a better future.
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Ajani Stella
President & Founder
Ajani is the leader of Kids Fight Climate Change and an experienced climate activist. He founded Kids Fight Climate Change to fill a gaping hole in climate education: an organization made by youth and built for youth.
Sadie Schnierow
Design Strategist
Sadie is 17 years old and is passionate about art and graphic design. She joined Kids Fight Climate Change because she believes it is a much-needed space to engage and educate youth on climate change.
Gabby Romm
Gabby Romm is a 16-year-old from New Jersey with a passion for environmental justice and feminism. She also enjoys reading, listening to music, and making art.
Rosemarie Gulick
Rosemarie is an avid writer who wants to share more about climate change and the world with her peers. She hopes to ignite conversations that empower young people to make a difference.
Nita Stella
Executive Director
Nita is an experienced heathcare strategist developing next-generation products for healthcare companies. She hopes to bring her experience and passion to Kids Fight Climate Change.
Vicki Sando
Board Member
Vicki is a STEM educator and curricula developer and a leader in green roof advocacy in NYC. She believes in the ability and power of youth and the responsibility of adults to assist youth.
Hana Prokop
Chief Content Officer
Hana is a high school student and gymnast who enjoys researching and writing. She wants to use her skills and interests to bring awareness and generate action.
Badreya Almesbah
Badreya is a high school senior in Kuwait planning to study genetics and quantum physics and who is passionate about feminism and environmentalism. She joined Kids Fight Climate Change to bring climate information to her community and region.
Katelyn Jee
News Writer
Katelyn is a high school senior passionate about the intersection of climate change and neuroscience. She believes in the power of climate education and wants to be a part of the solution.
Samarth Singh
Samarth is a fourteen-year-old living in the UAE. He has experienced firsthand the effects of climate change and now wants to educate others.
Kanan Puntambekar
Board Member
Kanan is a nonprofit leader dedicated to building the change agents of tomorrow and STEM leaders in high school. She believes in Kids Fight Climate Change's ability to provide resources to youth to become changemakers.
Arvin Ghai
Leadership Council Member
Arvin is passionate about environmental technology and literature. He hopes to increase youth participation in community disproportionately affected by climate change.
Desiree Hernandez
News Writer
Desiree is a high school senior passionate about global issues and neuroscience. She joined Kids Fight Climate Change to bring greater awareness to the current events of climate change.
Maya Dunkelman
Maya is a high school senior living in New Jersey. She is passionate about environmental writing and hopes to study environmental policy in college.
Simone White
Simone is a high school senior aspiring to environmental law. She joined Kids Fight Climate Change to inspire others to join the movement.
Samantha Cocco-Klein
Board Member
Samantha is an independent researcher and policy specialist who has worked for over 20 years for youth social policy and research. She joined Kids Fight Climate Change to support young people communicating climate information at the grassroots and global levels.
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